
Search results

  1. Should I Continue Farming?

    a parcel into building lots, there may be zoning or other regulations to follow and associated court ...

  2. Defoliators on Soybean

    flowering stages in July and continuing through August and into early September. Defoliation during this ... The BLB is a small beetle that varies in color from golden yellow to red, generally having six black ... which is a defensive mechanism against predators. The adult GCW migrates into Ohio each year from ...

  3. Protecting Against Noise for Trainers and Supervisors

    can block if used properly. This is called the noise reduction rating (NRR). For general use, look for ...

  4. Drinking Water Regulations

    regularly serve an average of at least 25 people at least 60 days per year. Public water systems fall into ... Medium 3,300–50,000 people Large More than 50,000 people Public water systems are also classified into ...

  5. Proper Spinner-Disc Spreader Operation, Terms and Definitions

    series on spinner-disc spreader operation. This series provides insights into proper operation, ... control the placement location onto the discs. Gridded Baffle —inserted into collection pan to prevent ...

  6. Proper Use of Ladders

    ladders on firm, smooth ground, as they may tip or collapse. • Do  not  use orchard ladders as general ...

  7. Overhead Electrical Hazards for Trainers and Supervisors

    ground level should not be raised under overhead power lines. If You Are in a Vehicle That Comes into ...

  8. Water Effects on Livestock Performance

    due to water quality, generally it’s accepted that stale, poor tasting water can cause a reduction in ...

  9. 4-H Camp Active Threat Guidelines

    bringing everyone in camp into one place to count heads. In the unlikely event of an armed shooter or other ... active threats in camp, bringing everyone into one place would actually make things worse. In these ...

  10. Twospotted Spider Mite on Soybean

    corners (fig. 2). However, these are only general rules, and growers should monitor the entire field for ... along the edge one or two passes with the spray boom into the field beyond noticeable mite infestation. ...
